General Introduction

This is Quiliro Ordóñez's personal web log in English. There are different entries in Spanish and in Portuguese. It does not necessarily represent the opinions held by FSFLA, ASLE or any other institution the author may be associated with.

Follow me on identi.ca.

B'Free is an initiative for people to know about how their quest for freedom everyday affects all the things they can do in the future. This BLog intends to explain the effects of using methods that warrant personal freedom and the ways to implement them.

Legal matters

The following catch-all copyright notice and permission apply to all documents and postings in this blog that don't contain a copyright notice of their own, and whose copyright can be reasonably assumed to be held by Quiliro Ordóñez.

Copyright 2007-2013 Quiliro Ordóñez

The following licensing terms also apply to all documents and postings in this blog that don't contain a copyright notice of their own, or that contain a notice equivalent to the one above, and whose copyright can be reasonably assumed to be held by Quiliro Ordóñez.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) 3.0 Unported. To see a copy of this license, visit


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