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public class BR.unicamp.Guarana.MetaLogger

(source file: /home/lsd/oliva/src/java/guarana/kaffe/libraries/extensions/guarana/javalib/BR/unicamp/Guarana/MetaLogger.java)

The pure class interface.
public class MetaLogger
  extends MetaObject
Logs all Operations, Results, Messages and Reconfiguration requests. It can be used for starting-up an originally non-reflective application with logging enabled.

See also:

Constuctor Index

O MetaLogger(Writer)
Creates a MetaLogger that logs to the specified Writer
O MetaLogger(PrintWriter)
Creates a MetaLogger that logs to the specified PrintWriter.
O MetaLogger(OutputStream)
Creates a MetaLogger that logs to the specified OutputStream. It will be wrapped in a
O MetaLogger()
Create a MetaLogger that logs to System.out.


O configure(Object, Object)
Copies itself into the meta-configuration of the new object, as long as this object is not
O handle(Result, Object)
Logs a `Result' string.
O handle(Message, Object)
Logs a `Message' string.
O handle(Operation, Object)
Logs an `Operation' string.
O initialize(OperationFactory, Object)
Logs an initialization message.
O main(String[])
The MetaLogger class can be used as an application starter. Running `guarana
O reconfigure(Object, MetaObject, MetaObject)
Accepts any reconfiguration request targeted to itself
O release(Object)
Logs an object release message.
O setPrefix(String)
Sets a prefix String, prepended to every line printed by this MetaLogger.


O MetaLogger
public MetaLogger();
Create a MetaLogger that logs to System.out.

O MetaLogger

public MetaLogger(OutputStream out);
Creates a MetaLogger that logs to the specified OutputStream. It will be wrapped in a PrintWriter with autoflush enabled.

out - the OutputStream that will get all logging.

O MetaLogger

public MetaLogger(Writer out);
Creates a MetaLogger that logs to the specified Writer. It will be wrapper in a PrintWriter with autoflush enabled.

out - the Writer that will get all logging.

O MetaLogger

public MetaLogger(PrintWriter out);
Creates a MetaLogger that logs to the specified PrintWriter.

out - the PrintWriter that will get all logging.


O setPrefix
public MetaLogger setPrefix(String prefix);
Sets a prefix String, prepended to every line printed by this MetaLogger.

prefix - the prefix String. It should not be null, otherwise the prefix will be the string `null'.
the MetaLogger itself, so this can be chained with construction or whatever.

O handle

public Result handle(Operation op,
                     Object ob);
Logs an `Operation' string.

op - the Operation to be logged.
ob - the target Object of the Operation. Unused.
a request to inspect the result of the Operation: Result.inspectResult.
handle in class MetaObject

O handle

public Result handle(Result res,
                     Object ob);
Logs a `Result' string.

res - the Result of an Operation.
ob - the target Object of the Operation.
null, i.e., the provided Result should be maintained.
handle in class MetaObject

O handle

public void handle(Message msg,
                   Object ob);
Logs a `Message' string.

msg - the Message to be logged.
ob - the Object whose meta-configuration was the target of the Message broadcast.
handle in class MetaObject

O configure

public MetaObject configure(Object newObject,
                            Object object);
Copies itself into the meta-configuration of the new object, as long as this object is not a String or a StringBuffer. Logs a message informing about the configuration request, and another indicating whether it propagated itself or not.

newObject - the new Object whose meta-configuration is to be provided. Just used for printing the Object identification.
object - the Object whose meta-configuration the new meta-configuration was based on. Just used for printing its identification.
this or null, depending on whether it decided to propagate itself or not.
configure in class MetaObject

O reconfigure

public MetaObject reconfigure(Object object,
                              MetaObject prev,
                              MetaObject next);
Accepts any reconfiguration request targeted to itself. All requests are logged. Furthermore, if the reconfiguration request is targeted on itself, an acceptance message is logged; otherwise, a message stating that the request was ignored is.

object - the Object whose meta-configuration is to be affected. Used only for logging.
prev - the MetaObject to be replaced.
next - the MetaObject that should take its place.
next if prev == this, this otherwise.
reconfigure in class MetaObject

O initialize

public void initialize(OperationFactory fact,
                       Object obj);
Logs an initialization message.

fact - ignored.
obj - the Object whose meta-configuration is to be initialized. Used just for logging purposes.
initialize in class MetaObject

O release

public void release(Object obj);
Logs an object release message.

obj - the Object to be released. Used just for logging purposes.
release in class MetaObject

O main

public static void main(String[] argv)
  throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, java.lang.NoSuchMethodException, java.lang.IllegalAccessException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
The MetaLogger class can be used as an application starter. Running `guarana BR.unicamp.Guarana.MetaLogger classname arguments ...' is equivalent to associating classname with a MetaLogger that logs to System.out and invoking classname.main with the provided argument list.

If the first argument is a number instead of a classname, it should be followed by a list of classnames that will be associated with MetaLoggers that log to System.out. After this list, a classname and an argument list should appear. In this case, the classname will not be associated with a MetaLogger. For example: `guarana BR.unicamp.Guarana.MetaLogger 3 A B C D args' will cause MetaLoggers to be associated with classes A, B and C. Finally, D.main will be invoked with the provided argument list.

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