Gentoo and Linux-Libre

Quiliro Ordóñez quiliro at
Sat Jun 26 09:55:20 UTC 2010

2010/6/25 Nick <linux-libre-list en>

> Gentoo has a diverse user base, not all of whom would consider a
> libre kernel as important, so simply replacing the kernels gentoo
> has available wouldn't have been desirable or politically tenable.
> So I went the Gentoo route and added a "USE flag" (the mechanism in
> Gentoo to customise all sorts of options in software packages)
> 'deblob,' which if enabled pulls in the appropriate deblob script
> for the kernel being installed and runs it. At the moment
> deblob-check isn't being used, as it took too long, but after seeing
> some problems with this approach (see wayne's email on this list)
> it's probable we'll use it soon (also thanks enormously to the
> speedups in recent versions of the deblob-check script).

This sounds as great work, Nick. Congratulations! Thank you for bringing
freedom to more people. :-)

Ututo was once based on Gentoo and is fully compatible and could be
reintegrated with it but it uses it's own deblobed kernel. How can this
change you made, benefit Ututo?
Quiliro Ordóñez
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