


IRPF-Livre 2023 released

Suitable Online Bank(rupt)ing


The TRApp Trap: Services and Users TRApped in Telescreen-Running Apps

The TRApp Trap

Linux-libre turns 15!

RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

chato é que o pessoal não aprende. diz que pro ano que vem poderá ser revisto. mas a hora de rever pro ano que vem seria agora! 2024-10-17 21:48

aí depois a gente descobre que a música q vc tá procurando nem é do caetano, é de alguém que tá pro caetano que nem o jorge vercilo tá pro djavan ;-) 2024-10-17 21:34

faz tempo que não consigo mais rodar aqui :-(
alguma incompatibilidade dos binários node.js com libc que nunca consegui ir atrás de resolver 2024-10-17 21:27

RT @kfogel What @dangillmor said, everyone. And this is not even the first time we know of that Texas has executed an innocent person. As in actually innocent, like, didn't do it -- we're not talking about some technicality of the law here, we're talking about someone who is not guilty of the crime of which they are accused.My point isn't even that Texas is especially bloodthirsty. It's that if you can find multiple examples from just one state, you can bet that other innocent people have been executed elsewhere in the U.S. too.And that's not counting all the close calls, where some innocent soul was only finally freed because some student clinic at a law school randomly decided to take up their case (because states never give public defenders enough resources to do even a minimally adequate job).The death penalty is a mistake. It should be abolished. It's so obvious by now that I hardly know how people manage to argue for its continuance (and yet they do -- in particular, politicians running for office do).In the meantime, if you'd like to help limit the damage, support an organization like The Center On Wrongful Convictions. 2024-10-17 20:16

ainda é minha cena favorita, do filme e da palestra 2024-10-17 05:12

sabe quando faz ligação a cobrar e o robô diz pra falar o nome e a cidade de onde está falando? conheço uma pessoa (mas não vou dizer quem!) que, ainda criança, ligou pra casa de um orelhão e falou "é <nome> do brasil" :-) 2024-10-17 04:05

será "queixa"? 2024-10-17 03:56

Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-23

Neurodiversity and neurodivergence: for greater understanding
Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-23

Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-17

Free Assange!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-26

FSF disposition
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-17

domingo, no parking
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-03

signing digital documents
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-01

Software Enshittification or Freedom? It's not a hard choice!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-05-08

bateria um descontrole
Alexandre Oliva 2024-04-25

monstering cults
Alexandre Oliva 2024-03-17

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31