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pure interface of class BR.unicamp.Guarana.Result

The documentated page.
public final class Result
    public static final int noResultMode;
    public static final int inspectResultMode;
    public static final int modifyResultMode;
    public static final int resultRequestMask;
    public static final int returnedValue;
    public static final int thrownValue;
    public static final int resultValueMask;
    public static final Result noResult;
    public static final Result inspectResult;
    public static final Result modifyResult;
    public static native Result operation(Operation operation,
                                          int nmode);
    public static native Result returnObject(Object returned,
                                             Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnBoolean(boolean returned,
                                              Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnByte(byte returned,
                                           Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnShort(short returned,
                                            Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnInt(int returned,
                                          Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnLong(long returned,
                                           Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnFloat(float returned,
                                            Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnDouble(double returned,
                                             Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnChar(char returned,
                                           Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static native Result returnVoid(Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static Result throwObject(Throwable thrown,
                                     Operation operation)
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native int getMode();
    public native Operation getOperation();
    public native boolean isException();
    public native Object getObjectValue();
    public native boolean getBooleanValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native byte getByteValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native short getShortValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native int getIntValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native long getLongValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native char getCharValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native float getFloatValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public native double getDoubleValue()
      throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public String toString();

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