[GNUGNU] Séptimas Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre: Call for Charlas [en]

Leoncio Juan Ernesto López (Cholo) anicholo en gmail.com
Sab Feb 24 02:11:36 UTC 2007

The call for papers for the Séptimas Jornadas Regionales de Software
Libre (seventh regional Free Software conference) is now open. The
conference will take place in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, from the
9th to the 11th of August of 2007.

The event is organized around four main thematical lanes:

    * Society
    * Education
    * Technology
    * Business

In these lanes we aim to cover topics as diverse as Free Software in
the state, NGOs, businesses, science and education; the challenge of
gender in Free Software; topics related to the community, philosophy
and politics; technical topics (programming, administration, security,
etc.); art, communication, and culture.

Our intent is to have a broad offering of talks of a basic and
introductory level. This is because we believe that a smaller quantity
of this level of talks would work against the main objective of the
event, which is promoting Free Software. The idea is that at all times
there will be at least one of the more than seven conference rooms
giving a talk at an introductory or intermediate level. For this
reason, we ask that the members of our community, in addition to the
excellent talks to which we are accustomed, you take the time to
prepare talks on simple topics, such "free email clients and how to
use them", or "how to browse the web with free software", or "free
instant messanging", or similarly simple things.

If you want more details about which subjects are covered by each
track, or what we mean by "introductory-level talks", you can read our
website: http://jornadas.grulic.org.ar/

The papers will be reviewed by an international committee of renowned
members of our community. The acceptance of the talk will depend on
this evaluation, and on our physical and technical capacity.

The deadline for presenting your work is May 3rd, 2007.

You should send an email with:

    * Title of the talk
    * A brief description (about 50 words) of the talk, to be included
in promotional material.
    * An abstract of the talk (between 200 and 300 words), explaining
the content of your talk.
    * A small curriculum of the speaker (between 100 and 250 words).

to charlas en grulic.org.ar

Closing, we take the opportunity to send a message to LUGs and other
groups within our community: if you want a space in the community
sector, please send an email to comunidad en grulic.org.ar so we keep you
a spot. Thank you.

Questions? Answers? http://jornadas.grulic.org.ar

Nota mental: No bardear a la oveja.

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