[FSFLA] FSFLA's proposed activities for February

Jorge P. de Morais Neto jorge+list en disroot.org
Jue Abr 20 17:46:34 UTC 2023

Hi!  I know it is weird to reply after 15 months, but I found your email
in my mailbox and I reply below:

Em [2022-01-27 qui 11:48:10-0800], Kaio Duarte Costa escreveu:

> Being a little proactive, I listed some activities that could be turned
> into FSFLA's campaigns in February. Therefore, I would like you to give
> suggestions for activities, including what you think of the proposals
> below:
> [...]
> - Free software in Latin America and governments: Activities and a
> campaign to encourage the creation of laws to promote the use of free
> software and list the current projects of Latin American governments
> that use free software
> (https://www.gov.br/governodigital/pt-br/software-publico - exemple).

I have little experience with effective political activism and
practically no experience with lobbying legislators, but I do live in
Brasília.  If you need something done in Brasília, then perhaps I can


- https://paper.wf/jorgemorais/o-que-esta-em-jogo-no-brasil
- https://stallmansupport.org "In Support of Richard Stallman"
- Eu sou membro da Fundação para o Software Livre---ajude-nos a defender a
  liberdade de software! https://my.fsf.org/join
- Favor avisar caso algum e-mail meu caia na caixa de spam

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