[FSFLA] Leaving the list - final clarifications

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr en riseup.net
Vie Jun 2 20:34:27 UTC 2017

Am 1/6/2017 um 15:31 schrieb Quiliro:
> Goodbye Eder.
> I am sorry you could not suggest something that could be done to cooperate with Debian. Thank you for trying to find ways to do it and for your good wishes for FSFLA. We hope the same for you.

Dear Quiliro,

i use your answer to Edar.

Followed the discussion, i don't understand the conflict. Edar and you 
all have for me the same motivations, intentions and values. Different 
in the way they handle it.

Therefore, there are other assignments that work. Outside of this theme. 
I don't understand many things that is going on in the FSFx environment.

Can you explain, why you act so strong to Eder? In many parts i argue 
similar to him. But never you say to me, that i will destroy your values 
or that i don't respect the FSFla.

Clear, never i will do it. But i see, also Edar never he will do it. Or 
is that wrong?

many greetings, willi

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