[FSFLA] [WSF-Discuss] [commoning] Fwd: News Alert: After attempted coup, Turkish President Erdogan vows retribution

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr en riseup.net
Sab Jul 16 22:02:07 UTC 2016

Dear Orsan,

many thanks for your answer. If i refrenced to you as a turkish person, 
then mostly, because you understand the culture, the way of interaction 
between the people, and to understand the language. It is not, that i 
say, you have to be a "expert" with all knowledge in the details.

There are not many flows of information, that we can trust. We have to 
be very carefully. And it is not possible for the most of us, to connect 
the people in Turkey in "social media".

Your statement to Turkey matches with many reports of critical 
observers. And of course, we get more in the next time.

For the WSF it is important to create a clear position to the right of 
self-determination of the local people. The genocid in the kurdish 
regions is the continuation of the genocid in the region of the armenian 
people 100 years before. And it is a continuation of the genocid in 
palestine. But also for the genocid in Namibia, Argentina, Australia and 
much more.

I thank you very much for your explanation.

many greetings, willi
Manaus, Brasil

Am 16/07/2016 um 15:15 schrieb Orsan:
> Sorry for got to add the other option, so either false flag, or really western capital led Gulen groups, in collaboration with the secular segments of the army did this to take down Erdogan. But this option is really weak, since timing and stupidly implementation of the 'coup attempt' was like a suicidal and they have sent innocent young rank solders to their death. In return Erdogan regime consolidates its hegemony over the state, like hitter did after the strange coup attempt supposed to be against him. I believe this can be deceptive operation to establish dictatorial presidency of Erdogan. This is my not so well informed opinion.
> Best,
> Orsan
>> On 16 jul. 2016, at 20:51, Orsan <orsan1234 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Willi,
>> If I say, you are a German, you don't talk about what is happening in Germany, and you don't speak about the truth, all this propaganda I wonder what impact would it make on you.. I do try to get what you mean actually, but I don't get it. If you know all about this why do you ask. I never claimed to be turkey expert and I of course condemn, disgust, and feel very angry about what have Turkish state-society ding to Kurdish people as much as I do so what other states does on all other oppressed peoples, wretched of the world, as Franz Fanon puts it.
>> If you ask my opinion, it sounds like either this government organized this very strange coup attempt. Since Turkey's army has enormous coup experience, it would be very funny to accept this coup attempt, which starts busiest hours of the week, instead of week day after mid-night, starting with arrest of ministers, as first Erdogan, a
>> Starting with closing of Bosporus bridge, when there were many people on it, and bombing state Chanel, parliament, and secret service building, it is smells very much like a set up, scam, false flag operation. This is my opinion, and indeed idea is to hold of total power by Erdogan's by oppressing Kurdish and other all left - right opposition. It might be a preventive act to avoid a real and bigger intervention by secular (western capital led) forces too. To me Kurdish peoples' oppression by Turkish state is a traumatic history needs confrontations and apologies, and fight against both old and new elite of the country, who are linked to various fractions of the global capital. The thing is this region, Rojava, Middle East, North Africa, and inner Asia, is a key front of the clashing empires and a revolutionary fight needs to be organized bottom up by all the oppressed peoples and classes in the world; if we are to beat merciless maniacal capitalist ruling classes. Simultaneously in
>   Latin America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Middle East, Europe and  North America. Otherwise they will kill many millions of us 'ordinary people' once more.
>> Let me know if you are ok with this answer.
>> In solidarity,
>> Orsan
>>> On 16 jul. 2016, at 19:13, willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at riseup.net> wrote:
>>> Dear Orsan,
>>> i am not so happy like you about. The action of a part of the militay seems to had a clear secular orientation. I don't know her orientation with the genocid of the kurdish people. The Nakba in Turkey.
>>> You don't speak about. You don't speak about the reality. Behind all this big propaganda. You are a turk. you can understand much better the background.
>>> We know the cleaning in the information flows in Turkey. We know the destruction of all critical action in Turkey. The flood of prisons. But never you speak about.
>>> Also Hugo Chavez was a military.
>>> many greetings, willi
>>> Manaus, Brasil
>>>> Am 16/07/2016 um 02:10 schrieb Orsan Senalp:
>>>> Luckily, the coup attempt is over before turning into disaster. Over 60 death remains behind, soldiers and 37 high ranking military personnel who claimed to be the planners got arrested.
>>>> Orsan
>>>> Am 15/07/2016 um 23:38 schrieb cosmic51 at btinternet.com:
>>>> Having followed this on a number of platforms it appears that there was a serious attempt at a military coup by army factions defining secular stakes as a primary justification.
>>>> The Presidential call for street mobilizations was responded to resulting in an impasse on the streets in Istanbul with tanks and military units faced down. Ankara remains more contested with attacks on Paliament buildings contnuing.
>>>> Secular interests and groups run risk being marginalised in a backlash against this coup attempt. At this time it is not possible to assess the likely outcome.
>>>> Ian
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