[FSFLA] Building alternatives to neoliberalism in Latin America today

Quilro Ordonez quiliro en riseup.net
Dom Jun 12 17:45:59 UTC 2016

El 2016-06-11 22:31, willi uebelherr escribió:
> Dear Michael,
> in Links international journal of socialist renewal i have found your 
> text:
> Building alternatives to neoliberalism in Latin America today
> Michael Lebowitz, 24.05.2016
> http://links.org.au/node/4698
> At the center in your text is Venezuela. For me too. And in your text
> we find the several errors of the "socialist" movements in the last
> 150 years: The state, the representation, the monetary system, the
> economy.
> We know, only the people themselves can end their slavery. And the
> main instrument for doing this is the self-organization of the
> economy. But in the economy there is no money. We find it only in the
> distribution system. A virtual layer that does not exist in reality.
> So also the state. He does not exist. Only the references to the state
> exist inside our heads. In our thinking.
> Senor Hugo Chavez has named three basic principles. I forme it to a 
> three-pole.
> - Independencia o Nada (the base)
> - Poder Popular o Nada
> - Comunas o Nada
> Hugo Chavez has not understood this three-pole. It really goes back to
> Kleber Ramirez and before. Ancient wisdom, ancient knowledge is
> conveyed with it.
> Independence. The ability to determine our way of life itself. The
> prerequisite is the independent economy. And their requirements are
> the technical infrastructures and independence in technology. And
> because we humans live in distributed social communities, the economy
> is still organized locally.
> Poder Popular. The democracy. The People determine all questions
> themselves, of which they are affected. And most of the questions are
> always local.
> Comunas. Local communities with their own independent economy. Only in
> this connection exist Comunas.
> If we now view your activities in Venezuela, so Michael Lebowitz,
> Marta Harnecker, Istvan Meszaros and Heinz Dieterich, then of all this
> knowledge yhere is not much to see or to read. Hugo Chavez has never
> done an open debate about the future of Venezuela with the people of
> Venezuela. The members of the PSUV in Merida have told us/me: Hugo
> Chavez sit in the glass house. He sees us, we see him, but we can not
> speak together. But with the so-called theorists from outside he has
> discussed.
> That is the essence of the situation in Venezuela: the Mafia.
> Decisions are always hidden prepared and decided behind closed doors.
> The data are always secret. State secret. And you participate. You
> were part of the elites.
> So the result is a big much nonsense like the "Mision Vivenda".
> Companies from Belorus, Persia, China, Russia build these container
> homes. Actually rather henhouses. This reminds me of the "Neue Heimat"
> (new home) in West Berlin, to East Berlin, to Belgrad. Environments
> where no human being can live healthy. Lego (primitive cubism)
> architecture.
> All the dirt from the pseudo "socialist" states has arrived in
> Venezuela. Together with the macro economy of the GDR and the
> propaganda, a new man must be created. "Prolet" culture of Bogdanov.
> You talk about "produce revolutionary subjects". I want to see how
> this will be possible. In essence slavery hides. The resources are
> centralized and monopolized. They are removed from the people. The
> people are fixed in the dependence. They are degraded to consumers.
> The same we find in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina. The
> political mafia only runs after the dollar. The potential and the
> abilities of the people ate not interested. It disturbs. That's why
> everything is done to block and suffocate their skills.
> That is also the reason why in Latin America no sphere of open debate
> exists. There are only indoctrination from the "Left" and the "Right".
> But no place of open debate.
> In Venezuela, I have occupied myself primarily with the systems of
> telecommunications. The main tool for our cooperation across
> geographical and time distances. So I dived into the Fundacion
> Infocentro, regional Fundacite, the Ministry of Science and
> Technology, the schools and universities, CANTV, Conatel, Cenit,
> Cenditel and all the many organizations and institutions.
> A sphere of egoism and parasitism, organized stupidity, lies and silly
> chatter. All governmental organizations. People have nothing to do and
> bored. Read and study they do not want. Work anyway. Get to know
> important, that's the only one.
> "Free to choose"? What's wrong with it? That people determine their
> living environment itself? That parents determine itself the
> environments of free thinking and studying for their children and
> their friends? That the students determine their environment of study
> and experimentation itself? That people determine itself their watwe
> systems, their supply of thermal and electrical energy, their
> teleommunication, their transport systems, their agriculture, their
> natural seeds? Explain what's wrong.
> We should not dump the child with the bath water. That Milton Friedman
> and Friedrich Hayek and the whole "Austrian school of economics" apply
> it differently, is clear. But also Karl Marx has helped because he has
> been reduced to the use value and exchange value. On this basis, the
> followers of the "Austrian School of economics" can say, the value is
> created in the market. But that every thing what we create or
> fabricate has an intrinsic value, that must not happen. Because then
> the whole basis of the value speculation has ended. And so the money
> system. And with that the state systems.
> But then what do the people who do not participate in the creation of
> the material base of livelihood? They starve while they sit on their
> moneybags.

I mostly agree with you on the issues. But all that you (and I) are 
proposing is theoretical. My questions are:
what is the first step to implement this money-less, communal, equal, 
local society?
discussing several solutions is good. But it is better to use the rapid 
development method, to implement, evaluate and then to make another 
implementation (all this in just a basic broad plan with a few 

> About such things we need to discuss. I invite you (and you all) to
> participate in the WSF (World Social Forum) discuss list. This is the
> space where we can discuss our future. Come out of your temples of
> consumerism. Become actors in the reality. We do not need religions.
> No monetary systems, states, nations, gods. This whole nonsense we
> slide into the trash.

I share your view.

> Or free to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: In the trash
> heap of human history.

I do not understand this.

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